Tuesday, August 4, 2009

RSS update

Well I did it. I suscribed to bloglines. Now I should get more news alerts. Oh Boy!

RSS feeds

Now I see those little icons everywhere and I'm reminded about this assignment. At least I know what they are now. I'm not entirely sure I want more mail dumping into my email at this point alerting me of things but I'm determined to try.


My nickname is gadget girl. I'm always trying to learn some new techno thing or other. Difficult since I have the attention span of a flea. I'm so happy there are folks around to answer my questions. This week I'm trying to get familiar with "applications" or "apps" as people refer to them as. It's like an Apple term for programs. Sooooooo I downloaded a few free ones to my Ipod touch. Then I learned how to deleate them which was tricky at first but a blast. I think the Ipod Touch is about the sweatest little gadget there is. In fact... I actually got a Mac at home now and I'm diverted from my 23 things agenda while I get familiar with it.
That's the short story!!!